Symphonic & Concert Band

 Xerxes    Hymn of the Highlands    Barnum And Bailey's Favorite    Children's March/USMB    CircusBee    EspritdeCorps/USMB     Gandalf    Heartbeat Five  IronMan3   KingKarlKing         LibertyBell/USAB    MarchOfTheBelgianParatroopers/USMB    NationalHymn/USMB    OnTheMall       Rush    SymphonyOnThemesOfSousa/USAFB    TheThunderer/USMB (recorded 1896)   WashingtonPost (recorded 1890)/USMB  

Not In Our Library...

but listen... after the dogfight - the second time...  Our next tape test, perhaps...?    MelodyShopMarch/USAB  

March from Holst's Second Suite

(featuring a certain euphonium player who shall remain nameless...)

Boys Of The Old Brigade

Marching/Pep Band

  AliveAndAmplified    AllIDoIsWin    Apachemp3     CrankUUpMP3      Dynamite   EverytimeWeTouch (Practice Version) FeelThisMoment      Frankenstein   HeyBaby     Holiday     IronMan    JohnnBGoode    Johnny'sMambo    LandOf1000Dances  Let'sGroove  Mercy,Mercy,Mercy     Mickey    MonsterMP3    ThePretender  Runaway Baby   StarshipsMP3  TalkToMeDanceWithMe    ThnksFrThMmrs   ThrillerMP3     TimeWarpmp3   TomSawyer   YouCanCallMeAl    20thCenturyFoxFanfare



Amazing Performances!

      Our Favorite Holiday Tune!

Our SECOND most favoritest Holiday song!

 The Most Amazing Trombones!

What Performers Should I Listen To???

Some Great Band Information

